“Committed to Truth, Compelled to Justice” is the guiding principle for the rule of conduct and direction in all ministries, individual and sponsored, and for the Racine Dominican community.
The Racine Dominicans are a community of vowed women religious (sisters) and lay associates, located in Racine, Wisconsin where they settled in 1862. Their current home (since 1962) is just north of Racine – a city on the shore of Lake Michigan about 30 miles south of Milwaukee, but sisters and associates still serve in many vocations and locations in the United States and Canada.
In addition to traditional roles in education and healthcare, the Racine Dominicans currently serve as health care professionals, social workers, prison ministers, community organizers, environmentalists, counselors, administrators, cooks, pastoral ministers, artists, spiritual directors, musicians, peace activists, researchers, college professors, writers and more.

Prayer, study and preaching are integral to the lives of all Racine Dominican sisters and associates who strive to follow the example of St. Dominic and are inspired by the great achievements and writings of St. Catherine of Siena.
The Racine Dominicans have been leaders in Catholic education for more than 150 years as educators and, until the formation of Siena Catholic Schools, as sponsors of St. Catherine’s School. The Dominicans have been contributing to St. Catherine’s through their annual mission fund and plan to continue support to the system in this manner. They also have committed to provide the St. Catherine’s buildings at no cost as they have in the past. Finally, they have also committed to supporting the recently announced St. Catherine’s major gift campaign with a substantial contribution.
The Dominicans will continue to own the St. Catherine’s buildings for the foreseeable future.